UNO!™ Mobile Wildcard Series: Community Cup USA & Canada 2023
Official Rules
The UNO!™ Mobile Wildcard Series: Community Cup USA & Canada 2023 (“Tournament”) is organized and sponsored by Mattel163 Limited (the “Sponsor”). The Tournament consists of six different phases: (1) BRONZE CUP; (2) SILVER CUP; (3) GOLD CUP; (4) DIAMOND CUP; and (5) GRAND FINAL; and (6) ANNUAL FINAL. The Grand Final and Annual Final will be administrated by Aftershock Media Group, Inc. (the “Administrator”).
The Tournament has 8 months of competitions, and the top 2 players in each Grand Final will advance to the Annual Final in November 2023. The monthly competition will start on the 1st of each month on February, March, April, May, July, August, September, and October. The Tournament begins on February 1st, 2023 at 11:00 am EST; and each phase will end as stipulated in Section 5. Sponsor’s computer is the official time-keeping device for this Tournament. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any part of the Tournament (including the Prizes) in its sole discretion and without prior notice.Data rates may apply.
The Tournament is open to individuals who are
(i) at least eighteen (18) years of age as of the date of entry;
(ii) located in the United States and Canada (individuals can see the Tournament page after their IPs are checked);
(iii) not residents of any of the following excluded jurisdictions: (a) State of Washington of the United States; (b) Quebec Province of Canada; and
(iv) UNO!™ Mobile App (the “UNO! App”) players with levels ≥ 3.
Employees, the Administrator, contractors, directors and officers of Sponsor and its shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, promotional supporters, distributors, web design, advertising, fulfillment and promotion agencies (collectively, the “Affiliated Parties”) involved in the administration, development, providing of prizes and execution of this Tournament, and members of their immediate families (spouses, parents, siblings and children, regardless of where they live) and household members (whether or not related), are not eligible to participate in the Tournament. Sponsor and its respective Affiliated Parties are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Sponsor Parties.” By participating, entrants agree to these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and binding in all matters relating to this Tournament.
To enter the Tournament, during the Tournament Period, eligible participants must take the following steps:
(a)Log into your UNO! App. If you do not have the UNO! App, you can download it for free in the Google Play Store, the Apple iOS Store, or the Samsung Galaxy Store. Use of the UNO! App and participation in this Tournament is subject at all times to your compliance with the End-User License Agreement and Privacy Policy of the UNO! App.
(b)After logging in, go to the Tournament entrance in the lobby, which will bring you to the Tournament page. By hitting the registration button on the registration interface, a popup will appear and display information that an entrant must read and agree to in order to enter the Tournament.
(c)All information regarding the games a player is scheduled to play can be found on the help interface. Players will also receive in-game notices regarding their game schedule if they advance to the Diamond Cup and Grand Final.
Limit: one (1) entry per person. An entrant cannot create multiple accounts to gain more entries. Sponsor may disqualify any entrant that enters the Tournament through multiple accounts at its sole discretion, which shall be final and non-appealable.
Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number of entries by using multiple/different accounts, identities, registrations and logins, or any other methods will void that entrant’s entries and that entrant may be disqualified from the entire Tournament. Use of any automated system to participate is prohibited and will result in disqualification. In the event of a dispute as to any registration, the authorized account holder of the account used to enter the Tournament will be deemed to be the entrant. The “authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the address used to register for the Tournament. The potential winners may be required to show proof of being the authorized account holder of the account associated with the winning entry.
BRONZE CUP: Players will begin the Tournament by participating in Bronze Cup, which will run for eight (8) days. There will be twenty-four (24) Bronze Cup rounds.
Each round opening hours: There will be two time slots each day, from the 1st to the 8th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, and October, to compete in the Bronze Cup in 2023. Players can participate in the Bronze Cup: 11:00~14:00 & 20:00~23:00, EST on each of those days. Each player can only participate in a maximum of two (2) rounds per day. Players may play additional games within the UNO! App on a given day, but these games will not count towards the qualifying Player’s Score (as defined below).
Bronze Cup Settlement: At 23:40 EST, each day from the 1st to the 8th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, in 2023, Player’s Score (as defined below) will be cleared to zero. So there will be eight (8) Bronze Cup Settlements in the Bronze Cup phase of each month.
Round rules: Each player can participate in a maximum of 2 rounds per day. Each round contains several 3-minute games with the same players. Each round will end when: (i) any one’s Player's Score reaches 300 points; or (ii) at the end of the fifth game (if no one’s Player's Score can reach 300 points). Each game includes 4 players and combines Classic Mode Single & Stack & Discard All.
How to advance to next phase: Players will be ranked based on the Player’s Score (as defined below) accumulated in the Bronze Cup phase per day. After daily Bronze Cup Settlement, whose Player’s Score (as defined below) ranked top 1,000 will advance to the SILVER CUP. So there will be 8,000 players who can participate in the Silver Cup in total each month.
Scoring Rules: Player's Score = Sum of Individual Game Points
• Individual Game Points: A player will receive a score after each game based on the cards left in the player’s hand at the end of the game. For the player who wins the first place, the Individual Game Points = (the absolute value of the sum of the other three players' hand points) * coefficient. For players who get 2-4 places, the Individual Game Points = (negative sum of his/her hand points) *coefficient.
• Coefficient: = the first round: 100%; the second round: 150%; the third: 200%; the fourth: 300%; the fifth: 400%.
• Hand points calculation: Number cards: face value; Action cards: 20 points; Wild and Wild +4: 50 points.
SILVER CUP: After daily Bronze Cup Settlement, top 1,000 players will advance to the Silver Cup each month. So there will be 8,000 players who can participate in the Silver Cup in total each month.
Each round opening hours: There will be two time slots each day, from the 2nd to the 9th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, to compete in the Silver Cup in 2023. Players can participate in the Silver Cup: 11:00~14:00, & 20:00~23:00, EST on each of those days. Each player can only participate in a maximum of two (2) rounds per day. Players may play additional games within the UNO! App on a given day, but these games will not count towards the qualifying Player’s Score.
Silver Cup Settlement: at 23:40 EST, each day from the 2nd to the 9th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, in 2023, Player’s Score (as defined below) will be cleared to zero. So there will be eight (8) Silver Cup Settlements in the Silver Cup phase of each month.
Round rules: Each player can participate in a maximum of 2 rounds per day. Each round contains several 3-minute games with the same players. Each round will end when: (i) any one’s Player's Score reaches 300 points; or (ii) at the end of the fifth game (if no one’s Player's Score can reach 300 points). Each game includes 4 players and combines Classic Mode Single & Stack & Discard All.
How to advance to next phase: Players will be ranked based on the Player’s Score accumulated in the Silver Cup phase per day. After daily Silver Cup Settlement, whose Player’s Score ranked top 100 will advance to the Gold Cup. So there will be 800 players who can participate in the Gold Cup in total each month.
Scoring Rules: Player's Score = Sum of Individual Game Points
• Individual Game Points: A player will receive a score after each game based on the cards left in the player’s hand at the end of the game. For the player who wins the first place, the Individual Game Points = (the absolute value of the sum of the other three players' hand points) * coefficient. For players who get 2-4 places, the Individual Game Points = (negative sum of his/her hand points) *coefficient.
• Coefficient: = the first round: 100%; the second round: 150%; the third: 200%; the fourth: 300%; the fifth: 400%.
• Hand points calculation: Number cards: face value; Action cards: 20 points; Wild and Wild +4: 50 points.
GOLD CUP: After daily Silver Cup Settlement, top 100 players will advance to the Gold Cup. So there will be 800 players who can participate in the Gold Cup in total each month.
Each round opening hours: There will be one time slot each day, from the 3rd to the 10th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, and October, to compete in the Gold Cup in 2023. Players can participate in the Gold Cup: 11:00~14:00, EST. Each player can only participate in a maximum of one (1) round per day. Players may play additional games within the UNO! App on a given day, but these games will not count towards the qualifying Player’s Score.
Gold Cup Settlement: at 14:55 EST, each day from the 3rd to the 10th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, and October in 2023 Player’s Score will be cleared to zero. So there will be eight (8) Gold Cup Settlements in the Gold Cup phase in each month.
Round rules: Each player can participate in a maximum of 1 round per day. Each round contains several 3-minute games with the same players. Each round will end when: (i) any one’s Player's Score reaches 300 points; or (ii) at the end of the fifth game (if no one’s Player's Score can reach 300 points). Each game includes 4 players and combines Classic Mode Single & Stack & Discard All.
How to advance to next phase: Players will be ranked based on the Player’s Score accumulated in the Gold Cup phase per day. After daily Gold Cup Settlement, whose Player’s Score ranked top 16 will advance to the Diamond CUP. So there will be 128 players can participate in the Diamond Cup in total each month.
Scoring Rules: Player's Score = Sum of Individual Game Points
• Individual Game Points: A player will receive a score after each game based on the cards left in the player’s hand at the end of the game. For the player who wins the first place, the Individual Game Points = (the absolute value of the sum of the other three players' hand points) * coefficient. For players who get 2-4 places, the Individual Game Points = (negative sum of his/her hand points) *coefficient.
• Coefficient: = the first round: 100%; the second round: 150%; the third: 200%; the fourth: 300%; the fifth: 400%.
• Hand points calculation: Number cards: face value; Action cards: 20 points; Wild and Wild +4: 50 points.
DIAMOND CUP: After daily Gold Cup Settlement, top 16 players will advance to the Diamond Cup. So there will be 128 players who can participate in the Diamond Cup in total each month.
Opening hours: 20:30 EST, each day from the 3rd to the 10th of each month of February, March, April, May, July, August, September, and October, in 2023. Players may play additional games within the UNO! App on a given day, but these games will not count towards the qualifying Player’s Score.
Diamond Cup Settlement: At the end of each day’s Diamond Cup, Player’s Score will be cleared to zero. So there will be eight (8) Diamond Cup Settlements in the Diamond Cup phase each month..
Diamond Cup will be played using a ‘double elimination’ mechanism: Each round contains two 3-minute games, where 2 players with the highest Player’s Scores will advance. The first-round losers proceed into the losers' bracket and will be eliminated if losing in the second round. Each game includes 4 players and combines Classic Mode Single & Stack & Discard All.
Players will be ranked based on their Player’s Scores at the end of each round. Detailed ranking rules: (1) the player with the lowest Player's Score will be in the front (2) with the same Player's Score, the player with the least Wild and Wild +4 cards will be in the front (3) with the same Player's Score above, the player with the least action cards in the front (4) if still the same, the two players will be randomly ranked.
Scoring Rules: Player's Score = Sum of Hand Points
• Hand Points: A player will receive a score after each game based on the cards left in the player’s hand at the end of the game. Number cards: face value; Action cards: 20 points; Wild and Wild +4: 50 points.
Grand Final. After the daily Diamond Cup Settlement, the top two (2) players will advance to the Grand Final. So there will be 16 players who can participate in the Grand Final in total each month.
There will be a total of 8 Grand Finals in 2023
Opening hours: 19:00 EST
Date:February 17, 2023, March 17, 2023, April 21, 2023, May 19, 2023, July 21, 2023, August 18, 2023, September 22, 2023, October 20, 2023.
Players may play additional games within the UNO! App on a given day, but these games will not count towards the qualifying Player’s Score.
Grand Final will be played using a ‘single elimination’ mechanism: The first round will have four matches. Each match will have four (4) players competing, totaling sixteen (16) participants in the first round. The first player to earn three (3) wins from each match will advance to the second round. Once the first player is determined, at that point, the one (1) player with the most wins from the remaining three (3) players will also advance. The other two (2) players per match do not advance, and are eliminated. Each game includes four (4) players and combines Classic Mode Single & Stack & Discard All.
The second round of the Grand Final will have two (2) matches, and will be played in the same manner as the first round. Each match will have four (4) players competing, totaling eight (8) participants. The first player to earn three (3) wins from each match will advance to the third and final round. Once the first player is determined, at that point, the one (1) player with the most wins out of the remaining three will also advance. The other two (2) players per match do not advance, and are eliminated.
The final round will be played in the same manner as the first and second rounds. This final match will have four (4) players competing. The first player to earn three (3) wins from the match will be declared the grand winner. Once the winner is determined, at that point, the one (1) player with the most wins from the remaining three secures second place. The other two (2) players per match will be ranked third and fourth (“Grand Final Rankings”).
Players will be ranked based on their wins once a single player has reached three (3) wins in their match, with the first and second player win counts moving on. Player’s Scores at the end of each round will be calculated in case of a win count tie.
Tiebreaker ranking rules: a) the player with the lowest total hand points from the match b) with the same Player's Score, the player with the least Wild and Wild +4 cards will be in the front, c) with the same Player's Score above, the player with the least action cards will be in the front, d) if still the same, the two players will be randomly ranked.
• Hand Points: A player will receive a score after each game based on the cards left in the player’s hand at the end of the game. Number cards: face value; Action cards: 20 points; Wild and Wild +4: 50 points.
Confirmation Requirement: All players that qualify for the Grand Final from the Diamond Cup will be invited to the UNO! Mobile Discord, where they will be required to confirm their spot for the Grand Finals. Once a player has done so, they will be confirmed for the Grand Finals as a player and eligible to compete. Any player that fails to confirm their spot in the Grand Finals by 23:59 EST on the 3rd calendar day after receiving the in-game mail will no longer be eligible to compete in the Grand Finals, and their spot will be awarded to the next eligible substitute.
Substitutes: Any players that achieved ranking between 3rd through 8th place in any Diamond Cup Settlement will be eligible to be a substitute for the Grand Finals. Substitutes will be invited to the UNO! Mobile discord, where they will be required to confirm their spot as a substitute for the Grand Finals. Once a player has done so, they will be confirmed for the Grand Finals as a substitute and eligible to compete if any player spots are not confirmed. A substitute is eligible to replace a qualified player should that qualified player not confirm their spot in the Grand Finals, and that player qualified from the same diamond cup as the substitute. Substitutes will be eligible for a spot in the Grand Finals in priority ranking based on their ranking in their Diamond Cup. If a substitute is offered a spot in the Grand Finals, that substitute must confirm their availability and intent to participate within twelve (12) hours upon receipt of notification. Failure to confirm availability within twelve (12) hours will automatically disqualify the player and the spot will be offered to the next eligible substitute player. These confirmation windows may be adjusted without notice at any time.
Annual Final. The top two (2) players from each Grand Final will advance to the Annual Final in November 2023, where a total of sixteen (16) players will compete for the Annual Final Rewards. If a player that places in the top two (2) for a Grand Final has previously placed in the Top two (2) in an earlier Grand Final ("Repeat Winner"), such Repeat Winner shall be elligible for all Prizes as normal, however shall not earn an additional qualifying spot for the Annual Final. Where a Repeat Winner occurs, the Repeat Winner's Annual Finals qualification spot shall be awarded to the next player with the highest Grand Final Ranking in that Grand Finals, who has not previously qualified for the Annual Finals; such award shall not impact or increase the Prize the newly qualified player earns.
Repeated Play. Players may play in as many Grand Finals throughout the year as the players can qualify for.
Annual Final Communication. All communication related to the Annual Final will occur via Discord, and it shall be the obligation of all players to reply in a timely manner to all Tournament related communication for the Annual Final. A DETAILED ANNUAL FINAL RULESET WILL BE PROVIDED TO ALL ANNUAL FINAL PLAYERS.
6.ADVANCEMENT NOTIFICATION — Diamond Cup and Grand Final
A player will be notified in the UNO! App if the player is qualified to advance to the Diamond Cup after completing the Gold Cup, and whether the player is qualified to advance to the Grand Final after completing the Diamond Cup. Any players that advance to the Diamond Cup will receive an in-game popup where players shall choose the country in which they are located, fill in their nickname, age, email address, and Discord account ID. Your nickname may be displayed in the Grand Final livestream, and your age/country will be used to verify that you are an eligible entrant. Your email address and Discord account ID will be used to contact you with updates on the Tournament schedule. Further, you acknowledge that Sponsor may share your personal information submitted herein with Sponsor Parties, which may be located in jurisdictions other than where you reside.
Each player participating in the Diamond Cup or Grand Final will be notified through the UNO! App of the dates and times scheduled for each of their matches. A player must check-in at least one (1) minute before their scheduled game starts but no more than fifteen (15) minutes before their scheduled game starts on the date and time specified in the in-game email or interface sent to the player on the UNO! App in order to participate in the match and advance in the round. It is each player’s responsibility to check the UNO! App regularly for updates and notifications.
If a player is unable to attend the scheduled game, such absence will be deemed as a forfeit and they will be eliminated from the Tournament. A substitute ‘Bench Player’ will take their place. There will be sixteen (16) Bench Players in the Diamond Cup and sixteen (16) Bench Players for the Grand Final. The Diamond Cup Bench Players will be comprised of the Tournament players who ranked in the seventeenth (17th) through thirty second (32th) spots in the Gold Cup and the Grand Final Bench Players will be comprised of the Tournament players who ranked in the seventeenth (17th) through thirty second (32th) spots in the Diamond Cup.
Four (4) winners will be determined for each Grand Final. The Grand Final winners will be the top four (4) players who advanced through each round of that month’s Tournament based on the scoring details set forth in Section 5 and 6 above, and ranked for the purposes of Prize eligibility based on the relevant Grand Final Ranking.
Eight (8) winners will be determined for the Annual Final in November 2023. The Annual Final winners will be the top eight (8) players who advanced through the Annual Final Tournament based on the scoring details set forth in Section 5 and 6 above, and ranked for the purposes of Prize eligibility based on the Annual Final Ranking (collectively referred to as “Winners”).
AN ENTRANT IS NOT A WINNER OF ANY PRIZE, EVEN IF THE TOURNAMENT SHOULD SO INDICATE, UNLESS AND UNTIL ENTRANT’S ELIGIBILITY AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE OFFICIAL RULES HAVE BEEN VERIFIED AND ENTRANT HAS BEEN NOTIFIED THAT VERIFICATION IS COMPLETE. Each potential winner will be notified by e-mail using the e-mail address provided in the popup displayed prior to Diamond Cup. All potential winners may be subject to verification of eligibility, and may be required to provide official ID card (“Proof”), to sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility/Release of Liability/Publicity Release/Prize Acceptance Form (“Release”) within a certain time period after notification. If a potential winner cannot be reached (regardless of reason), does not respond within the designated time (if required), or there is a return of any Proof/prize/prize notification/Release as undeliverable, he/she may be disqualified and an alternate potential winner may be selected. Failure to comply with any term or condition in these Official Rules may result in disqualification at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Upon disqualification, no compensation will be given and the entrant will not be eligible for any prize or to participate in the Tournament. Player must adhere to the decisions and rules of the Sponsor and its designated representatives (including but not limited to the Administrator) in all matters related to these Official Rules, as well as all matters pertaining to the Tournament, which may not be covered by these Official Rules. All decisions are final. In the event that a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, the individual from the last round(s) of the corresponding phase will be selected as the potential winner. Sponsor may limit the number of attempts to award a prize to two (2) attempts to contact the applicable players. In such case, if a prize winner cannot be confirmed after two (2) attempts, Sponsor will determine in its sole discretion whether the prize will remain unawarded.
Sponsor is entitled to cancel or adjust the number of prizes based on the actual number of entrants.
Odds of winning a prize for playing the Tournament will depend upon the number of eligible participants playing the Tournament.
Community Cup In-game Coin is a dedicated virtual coin which can be used to redeem in-game items in Community Cup Store.
i.Round Rewards: Bronze Cup, Silver Cup, and Gold Cup rewards for each round are as follows, which will be awarded at the conclusion of each round of Bronze Cup, Silver Cup, and Gold Cup based on rankings as follows.
Rank |
Reward |
1st |
800 Community Cup In-game Coins |
2nd |
600 Community Cup In-game Coins |
3rd |
500 Community Cup In-game Coins |
4th |
400 Community Cup In-game Coins |
* based on Player’s Score earned in each round
Settlement Rewards: Bronze Cup, Silver Cup, Gold Cup, and Diamond Cup rewards after the corresponding Settlement are as follows. The Settlement rewards will be awarded at the conclusion of the corresponding Settlement based on rankings as follows
Bronze Cup |
Silver Cup |
Rank |
Reward |
Rank |
Reward |
1st~50th |
1000 Community Cup In-game Coins |
1st~50th |
1200 Community Cup In-game Coins & 3000 In-game coins |
51st~200th |
800 Community Cup In-game Coins |
51st~200th |
1000 Community Cup In-game Coins & 2000 In-game coins |
201st~500th |
600 Community Cup In-game Coins |
201st~500th |
800 Community Cup In-game Coins & 1500 in-game coins |
501st~1000th |
500 Community Cup In-game Coins |
501st~1000th |
500 Community Cup In-game Coins & 1000 in-game coins |
Gold Cup |
Diamond Cup |
Rank |
Reward |
Rank |
Reward |
1st~16th |
1500 Community Cup In-game Coins & 5000 in-game coins |
1th~2nd |
10000 In-game coins |
17th~32th |
1200 Community Cup In-game Coins & 3000 in-game coins |
3rd~4th |
5000 In-game coins |
33th~50th |
1000 Community Cup In-game Coins & 2000 in-game coins |
5th~8th |
3000 in-game coins |
51st~100th |
800 Community Cup In-game Coins & 15000 in-game coins |
9th~16th |
2000 in-game coins |
* based on Player’s Score earned before the corresponding Settlement
Grand Final Rewards
Rank |
In-game Diamonds |
Special Item |
Reward |
1st |
10,000 |
1st Winner in-game Title |
$3,000 USD |
2nd |
5,000 |
2nd Winner in-game Title |
$1,000 USD |
3rd |
3,000 |
3rd Winner in-game Title |
$500 USD |
4th |
2,000 |
Community Cup in-game Title |
$500 USD |
5th-16th |
2,000 |
Community Cup in-game Title |
$0 |
Annual Final Rewards
Rank |
In-game Diamonds |
Special Item |
Reward |
1st |
20,000 |
1st Annual Final Winner in-game Title |
$5,000 USD |
2nd |
10,000 |
2nd Annual Final Winner in-game Title |
$2,500 USD |
3rd |
6,000 |
3rd Annual Final Winner in-game Title |
$750 USD |
4th |
4,000 |
Community Cup Annual Final in-game Title |
$750 USD |
5th-8th |
4,000 |
Community Cup Annual Final in-game Title |
$250 USD |
9th-16th | 4,000 | Community Cup Annual Final in-game Title | $0 USD |
* Any ranking of any player not listed herein this section shall be understood to have no prize entitlement from this Tournament.
Winners may make no substitution or transfer of the prize and the prize is not exchangeable for cash, except at Sponsor’s sole discretion. Winners agree that the prize is personal to that Winner, and the Prize may not be sold, resold, auctioned, bartered, assigned, exchanged, placed in commerce, transferred, given away, donated, or otherwise conveyed. All federal, state and local taxes are the sole responsibility of the Winner. Prize consists of only those items specifically stated as part of the prize. ALL EXPENSES AND COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ACCEPTANCE OR USE OF THE PRIZE THAT ARE NOT EXPRESSLY SPECIFIED IN THESE OFFICIAL RULES AS BEING PART OF THE PRIZE ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENTRANTS. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value in its sole discretion.
Prize Distribution: Unless otherwise specified, all prizes earned in the Tournament shall be distributed no later than ninety (90) days after the completion of the Tournament, provided that player has provided the information and documents required by the Sponsor to facilitate prize delivery. Such information shall be requested by email or by any other methods indicated by Sponsor.
Prize Documents: Player may be required to return an IRS Form W-9 or IRS Form W8-BEN (“Tax Form”), residency affidavit and any other documents required by Sponsor, (collectively, the “Required Documents”) in order to be eligible to receive any prizes earned. Player may be required to report income to their relevant tax authority and shall be fully and completely responsible for paying any and all federal, state, and local taxes associated with the value of their prizes.
Grand Finalists, Annual Finalists and Winners’ participation constitutes player’s permission to the Sponsor Parties to use the player’s personal information, including but not limited to nickname, UNO! App username, and/or likenesses, prize information, photograph, voice, and comments for purposes of advertising, press release or any other commercial purpose without further notice, permission, or compensation, unless prohibited by law. Sponsor will livestream the Grand Final and Annual Final on Sponsor’s Official YouTube page, Official TikTok page and Official Facebook page; and the livestream may be reposted by Sponsor Parties. Players’ information, including but not limited to your nickname, UNO! App username, appearance and performance will be publicly disclosed in the livestream. Such livestream will not be deleted, so the video will be publically available after the Tournament.
Grand Finalists, Annual Finalists and Winners’ participation also constitutes player’s agreement that Sponsor is entitled to contact players for the purpose of producing dedicated deliverables, including but not limited to interviews, dedicated videos, stories, without any compensation or royalty fee. You hereby grant us an irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, edit, amplify, repurpose, or display such deliverables for any commercial purposes. Otherwise, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify such player.
Grand Finalists and Annual Finalists who will participate in the Grand Final and Annual Final shall not include the following behaviors or content in the livestream. Otherwise Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any Grand Finalist or Annual Finalist it finds to be acting in violation of this clause. And such finalist shall be liable for any and all losses or damages caused to Sponsor or Sponsor Parties arising out of such violation.
⬥Tobacco (for example, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, etc.).
⬥Illicit drugs and drug-related products (for example, marijuana, vaporizers, etc.).
⬥Alcoholic drinks or consumption thereof.
⬥Adult content (for example, nudity, depictions of sex or characters in explicit or suggestive positions, or depictions of activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative).
⬥Sexism and gender-related degrading humor.
⬥Depiction of children in any sexual reference.
⬥Torture, mutilation, or sadism.
⬥Violence and abuse (physical or verbal) toward children, animals, or unarmed characters.
⬥Bad languages or vulgar languages.
⬥Slanderous or libelous content.
⬥Politics (for example, use of actual countries, flags, political issues, political figures, reference to real historic wars and conflicts, etc.).
⬥Religion (for example, use of real religion signs, symbols, clothing, figures and leaders, religion-related buildings, or sculptures, degrading humor of religion, content that exploits sensitive religious issues, etc.).
⬥False content.
⬥Insensitivity to or discrimination against people based on personal attributes such as race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, disability, medical or genetic condition.
⬥Promotion of racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm of any kind.
Except where prohibited, by participating in the Tournament, entrant agrees to release, fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend Sponsor and other Sponsor Parties, and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, and prize providers (individually, a “Released Party” and collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action arising out of participation in the Tournament or use of the prize, including, but not limited to: (a) unauthorized human intervention in the Tournament; (b) technical errors related to computers, servers, providers, or telephone or network lines; (c) printing errors; (d) errors in the administration of the Tournament; (e) late, lost, stolen, illegible, inaccurate, delayed, misdirected or undeliverable, posts, mail; or (f) injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Tournament and/or use of any prize. Entrant further agrees that in any cause of action, the Released Parties’ liability will be limited to the cost of entering and participating in the Tournament and in no event shall the Released Parties be liable for attorneys’ fees. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. If, by reason of a print or other error, more prizes are claimed than the number set forth in these Official Rules, an alternate winner will be selected in accordance with the winner selection method described above from among all eligible claimants making purportedly valid claims to award the advertised number of prizes available.
Except where prohibited, all entrants agree that: (1) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Tournament or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the courts in the State of California; (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering the Tournament, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (3) under no circumstances will entrants be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased; and (4) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with the Grand Final or Annual Final shall be resolved with the Administrator directly, and Sponsor shall not be involved in any way. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Tournament, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California.
If, for any reason, the Tournament is not capable of running as planned, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, void any suspect entries and (i) cancel or terminate the Tournament; (ii) modify or suspend the Tournament and this official rules to address the impairment and then resume the Tournament in a manner that best conforms to the spirit of these Official Rules; and/or (iii) award the prize in accordance with the winner selection criteria set forth above from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Tournament (including, without limitation, operation or play in the Tournament games) or to be acting in violation of the Official Rules of this or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Tournament may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsors reserve the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Proof of entering will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by Sponsor of entry. Any use of robotic, automatic, programmed or like entry methods will void all Player’s Score affected by such methods and be deemed tampering. Persons engaging in any of the foregoing activities may be disqualified. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. This Tournament is governed by the laws of the State of California. By entering, entrants consent to the jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in Los Angeles, CA for the resolution of any disputes.
Personally identifiable information that is submitted by entrants as part of this Tournament will be used to administer the Tournament, select prize winners and fulfill prizes, and will be treated in accordance with Sponsor’s privacy policy accessible on its website at Further, entrants acknowledge that Sponsor may share each entrant’s information submitted during the Tournament and Tournament performance with Sponsor Parties, which may be located in jurisdictions other than where you reside.
The Winners of the Grand Final and Annual Final will be published via Sponsor’s official channels and third-party press, including but not limited to Sponsor’s official social media channels, webpages.
Mattel163 Limited, 1/F, Xiu Ping Commercial Building, 104 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. You may contact the Sponsor in the case of any confusion of the Official Rules:
Aftershock Media Group, Inc., 7009 Alderman Rd., Pasco, WA 99301, USA.
The Sponsor reserves the right to explain the Official Rules and reserves the right at any time and from time to time to make alterations in the Official Rules as may in their opinion be necessary in the best interests of the Tournament.